Gift Gallery

Well, this is DEFINETLY the best part of the site! When I receive gifts, it makes me so happy! it makes my running the page seem much more worthwhile ^___^ and everyone who sends me a gift that they have spent time on is a good friend and a very nice person *sobs in happiness*

If you would like to send me a gift of any of my characters or just somehting that you wanted to draw for me, then that's EXCELLENT! You're COOL! Mail me the URL and stuff ... Heh, even if you don't send me a gift, you're still a very nice person for being here *smile*

Click on the thumbnail to reveal the giftie! ^__^

surpriiiiiseeeeeee! them's the bests ^^ OMG! looks so pretty!
Eeee! Wow! *_* ^.^b *_**___* Ryuuuuuuuuuu!! XD
^^ ^^ AWWW!!! <3