Angels Don't Exist

18 May

Hellooo! Right, I'm not dead, I know I haven't updated for ages, and I'm admitting that this is not an update! I'm just letting know that I'm moving this site out of free-server-ness and onto my domain, becuz I think that would be better all round XD ... I have bucket-loads to put up, and I do mean BUCKET loads ... but I'm going to wait until my exams are over before I do anything with it ^^ so expect a huge update sometime around the end of June ... ^^;;;;;

Enjoy your stay here! ^_____~

eMouse ^__^

is feeling: The current mood of at

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Everything on this site belongs to ME! Mwahahaaaa!!! Apart from the fan-art I have weakly attempted at ... that belongs to the respective creators. Or something. Anyway, if you'd like to use any of the stuff here (but, like, who ever does? WHO?? LOL) then you are very welcome to mail me! ^__^

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