
Well, this is actually version 2 of my site ... he heh, the other one was rather, um, bad, and was done in Geocities PageBuilder. I moved from Geocities cuz we didn't get on too well, Geocities and me ... (if you went to version 1, you'll know wot I mean _) ... Mwah, my fault for not learning HTML in the first place! XD XD

Angels Don't Exist ... dat's a funny title, isn't it? Well, I had a discussion led about what I should call my 'new' site on the Forum, it was originally called The G L I T C H Homepage, you see ... but I'm not limited to G L I T C H, as I have the other two manga, and I wanted a change. He heh heh heh, not everyone likes the title, I know, but hey, it's the most fitting. Believe me. :"> Ooooooh, and I don't have anything against Angels ... I have a ... thing ... about them. Yeah, I know ... I'm wierd ... XD So, um, what is the site about? Weeeellll, basically, this page is a collection of pictures and (eventually) comics that I have produced in my spare time ... oh,
P R E C I O U S Spare Time! Oh, how I love it! Oh n--


Anyway, I thought I'd give Y O U the pleasure of getting to view it F O R
F R E E! How good is that?!!

*cough cough*

Yeah ... moving on ... I've been drawing since I was, like, three (and look where it got me? XD) soooo ... I guess the site is dedicated to that!

Took a while, didn't it? ^__~